6KW Li Batt. Offer Significant Cost Savings Over Tubular Batteries

6KW Lithium Batteries Offer Significant Cost Savings Over Tubular Batteries

6KW Li Batt Offer Significant Cost Savings Over Tubular Batteries

To run the 6KW load for one hour on the Inverter, Solar or UPS, we need a 6KW Lithium battery, and if we need to run the same Load on Tubular batteries, then we need eight nos of 200 Ah Tubular batteries of C20 capacity. Suppose we calculate the cost of 8 numbers of 200Ah Tubular battery bank cost. In that case, it will be approximately Rs 100,000/ and if we calculate the cost of the Lithium battery bank of LifePO4, that will be around Rs. 98,000/ so, which will be cheaper than the cost of a tubular Lead Acid battery bank. To keep the eight tubular batteries, we need a steel rack as the weight of each battery will be around 65 Kg. This rack will cost another Rs 5,000/ and the space taken to keep these eight batteries will be another headache.https://suvastika.com/benefits-of-lithium-battery-in-inverter-ups/

Feature Lithium Battery tubular Lead Acid Battery
Capacity C1 C20
Cycle Life 2000-5000 cycles 500-600 cycles
Charge Time 2-4 hours 10-15 hours
Depth of Discharge (DoD) 80-100% 50-60%
Operating Temperature Range -20°C to 60°C 0°C to 40°C
Maintenance No topping of distilled water regularly
Safety More stable Less stable
Cost Rs 15,000-20,000 per KW costing Rs 17,000-20,000 per KW

Energy Density

Lithium batteries have a much higher energy density than lead acid batteries, meaning they can store more energy per unit of weight. This makes them ideal for applications where weight and space are a concern, such as electric vehicles and portable electronics.

Cycle Life

Lithium batteries also have a much longer cycle life than lead acid batteries, meaning they can be charged and discharged more times before they need to be replaced. This makes them a more cost-effective option in the long run.

Charge Time

Lithium batteries can be charged much faster than lead-acid batteries. This is because they can accept a higher current without damaging the battery.

Depth of Discharge (DoD)

Lithium batteries can be discharged to a much greater depth than lead acid batteries without damaging the battery. This means you can get more usable energy from a lithium battery than a lead-acid battery.

Operating Temperature Range

Lithium batteries can operate in a wider temperature range than lead-acid batteries. This makes them more versatile and suitable for use in various applications.

Battery Management System: The most important factor distinguishing between the Tubular Lead Acid battery and Lithium battery is BMS, which takes care of each cell installed in the Lithium battery bank. It equalizes the cells to keep them balanced with each other in terms of voltage. It takes care of Low and High battery cut-offs. It also takes care of Lithium batteries in case of Overload and Short circuits.


Lithium batteries require little maintenance, while lead acid batteries require regular watering and cleaning.


Lithium batteries are more stable than lead-acid batteries and are less likely to explode or leak.


Lithium batteries are cheaper if we compare them regarding backup time size, weight, and life cycle.


Lithium batteries are superior to lead-acid batteries in almost every way. They are more energy-dense, have a longer cycle life, can be charged faster, can be discharged to a greater depth, can operate in a wider temperature range, require less maintenance, and are safer. However, lithium batteries are also more expensive than lead-acid batteries.

In conclusion

The best type of battery for a particular application will depend on the specific needs of that application. However, in general, lithium batteries are the better choice for most applications.

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