Entries by Kunwer Sachdev

Why Sinewave Inverter/UPS?

In the context of Inverter/UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) systems, the critical difference lies in the waveform of the power they output during a power outage. Here’s a breakdown of the Waveforms: 1.  Definition of Waveform   A graph showing the variation of voltage or current concerning time is known as WAVEFORM. In general, a waveform […]

What is Retrofit Lithium-ion battery?

A retrofit lithium battery is a lithium-ion battery specifically designed to replace an existing lead-acid battery in a particular application. They are becoming increasingly popular due to several advantages over lead-acid batteries; these retrofit Lithium-ion batteries are being used in Inverters, UPS, Online UPS, E rickshaws, Golf carts, Lift Inverters, Lift Automatic Rescue devices etc. https://suvastika.com/can-we-install-lithium-ion-battery-with-existing-inverters/ […]

Top Indian Solar Battery manufacturers

The Indian solar industry is booming with the demand for lithium-ion batteries for solar energy storage. Lead Acid baterries have many challenges in the solar industry in India, so the market is shifting towards Lithium Solar baterries. Lithium battery is a single unit with many advantages over the Tubular Lead Acid baterries like fast charging, […]

Petrol Pump shifted from Inverter to Energy Storage System

An Indian Oil Petrol Pump in Chhattisgarh replaced the old Tubular Lead Acid 20 battery system with the latest technology, the Su-vastika Energy Storage System, with a lithium-ion battery system. Mr Rohit Kumar Singh is the owner of this petrol Pump, which is located at Ambikapur. The Google location of this Petrol pump is https://www.google.com/maps/@23.2971675,82.4825986,14z?entry=ttu […]

What is the replacement of large Diesel generators?

Replacing large diesel generators is a complex issue with no single, universally applicable solution. The best alternative depends on various factors like: Power needs: How much energy is required, and for what duration? Location: Is there sufficient sunlight or wind for renewables? Budget: Upfront costs vs. long-term operational expenses. Environmental goals: Reducing emissions and dependence […]