Go Green: Upgrade Your Home with Energy Storage Systems

Go Green: Upgrade Your Home with Energy Storage Systems

Su-vastika home energy storage systems (ESS) are a promising alternative to generators for backup power, especially for large homes and farms with high power requirements (10 kVA to 50 kVA). Lithium-ion battery-based Energy Storage Systems are very compact and can replace Diesel Generators in homes and farmhouses, which provides complete peace of mind for the owners. People think heavy loads like large central air conditioning systems, motors, microwave ovens, etc., can’t run on batteries.

Go Green: Upgrade Your Home with Energy Storage Systems

30 KVA ESS with Lithium-ion built-in battery

Go Green: Upgrade Your Home with Energy Storage Systems

Here’s a breakdown of the key points:

Benefits of ESS over Generators:

  • Clean and Environmentally Friendly: No diesel fuel is needed to run an ESS, which means no emissions and reduced reliance on fossil fuels. The lithium-ion battery needs hardly any space to be installed.
  • Uninterrupted Power from the ESS: The Diesel generator takes time to start, which could vary from 30 seconds to five minutes, but ESS has uninterrupted power, and there is no interruption of power which gives the impression to homeowners that the power cuts have stopped happening and the Air conditioning and TVs and computers keep functioning without any switching time. Most of the time, one person is required to start the generator, which is a hassle for the homeowners as it’s very irritating at nighttime.
  • No Maintenance: Unlike generators, which require regular maintenance, diesel refilling every few hours, and oil changes and cleaning after 300 hours of running, lithium-ion-based ESS systems require no maintenance at all.
  • Real-time Monitoring: Su-vastika ESS systems offer Wi-Fi and GSM connectivity, allowing remote monitoring of your energy use and storage capacity through the dedicated mobile application.
  • Cost-Effective: Over time, ESS systems can save money on fuel costs and maintenance costs associated with generators. The cost of ESS is recovered in the 2 to 3 years compared to the initial higher cost compared to generators as the cost of electricity and diesel has many differences. Sometimes, the logistics cost of diesel is prohibitive in certain hilly areas.
  • Life of Generator Vs ESS: The life of a Diesel Generator is ten years, after which the maintenance cost and consumption of diesel increase drastically, but ESS has a lithium-ion battery which needs replacement every 7 to 10 years, and the life of the Inverter ESS is 50 years which makes it very cheap compared to Generator initial cost and running cost.
  • Space-saving: Su-vastika ESS systems are compact and silent and can be placed inside the building as they don’t create vibrations, which is the major challenge with Generators that can’t be kept inside the building.
  • Improved Security: There is a reduced risk of fuel theft or leaks compared to generators, as home generators are maintained by the house staff and are difficult to control.
  • Diesel Storage: Storing diesel in homes and farms is hazardous and can lead to fires and safety hazards. Getting diesel for homes and farms is not easy, as petrol pumps generally don’t open diesel for sale.
  • Installed at homes in India replacing Generators: Su-vastika has already installed the large Lithium-ion based ESS in India and the base is increasing day by day. A few of our installations are listed here for reference.

Go Green: Upgrade Your Home with Energy Storage Systems

Considerations for ESS:

  • Initial Cost: Lithium-ion-based ESS systems can have a slightly higher upfront cost than generators. However, the savings make the ESS a cheaper option in the long run.
  • Backup Time and running: The backup time for an ESS system depends on its capacity. As the load keeps varying in homes and farmhouses, the ESS can easily handle the backup time of 1 to 3 hours at a stretch. However, if more backup time is required, the Generator and ESS combined package can also be an option.
  • Solar Integration: Pairing a Lithium-ion-based ESS with solar panels allows you to store excess solar energy for later use, maximizing your energy independence.

Lithium-ion-based ESS systems are a viable and increasingly attractive option for home backup power, particularly for larger homes and farms with significant power demands. The environmental benefits, no maintenance, and potential cost savings make them a compelling choice for the future.

This article is written by Mr. Kunwwer Sachdev founder Su-kam known as Inverter Man of India.

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