How ERD Is Better Than Online UPS
Generally High Frequency Online UPS are being used for power back up of Lifts, which is a complete wrong practice. Lifts works with inductive motor and need technology that can support Mechanical and Inductive loads, while Online UPS are meant for Computer/IT loads. Isolation transformer is must in the UPS to support Mechanical and Inductive loads such as Lifts to protect UPS and equipments.
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Capacity to handle varying load |
The Online UPS is designed for computer loads & IT loads as the load is almost fixed so as to maintain the high efficiency. 3 phase Induction motors being used in lifts has a varying load as the lift moves in up ward and downward. Online UPS are not capable to handle such varying load. |
Su-vastika ERD has been specially designed for Lifts/Elevators and have technology to handle such varying load of Lifts. |
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Battery Life |
The battery life with Online UPS is reduced since the battery is always functional in case of Online UPS. Online UPS is always consuming power through the mains and batteries as well to regulate the power and maintain constant voltage which is not required by the lifts. |
ERD has bypass technology which increase the life of battery. The ERD only activates in battery mode when the power goes. |
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Capacity to handle lift jerks |
High Frequency triple conversion Online UPS has a big electricity consumption in case they are used in lifts and since there is no isolation transformer they are prone to high failure as the induction motor create lot of jerks, spikes and surges which the three phase triple conversion technology without the isolation transformer cant handle. |
Su-vastika ERD comes with Isolation transformer for extra protection. The switching time in the ERD is less than 3 milliseconds which is enough to take the lift load without any jerk. |
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Efficiency |
The backup time in Online UPS with the same battery bank will be lower as compared to ERD, as the Online UPS efficiency depends on the percentage of load percentage. |
The inverter efficiency is very high even the load varies from 10% to 100%. |
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Power conversion loss |
Online UPS is converting the power from AC to DC and again to AC power which needs constant consumption of power as there are losses at the time of power conversion. Also, at the same time, it is charging and discharging the batteries. |
ERD is only using the power for charging from the ERD and once the battery is charged it charged it stops so after that no more power is being consumed. |
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Voltage stabilisation |
Online UPS is designed for 165-265 Volt, so the moment the voltage reduces to 180 V, most of the time battery is being used for stabilizing the voltage. Hence, when the electric cut takes place there is hardly any life of battery left for power back up. |
No such issue in ERD. |
What Is ARD and How ERD Is Better Than ARD?
ARD, which is called ‘Automatic Rescue Device, is an old technology that is generally used in today’s times. ARD starts only when the lift is stopped after a power failure, and it activates after 30 seconds to 1 minute. ARD is not made for lift backup applications. It’s made for door-opening purposes in case of power failure. The lift door should be opened on the floor only, so this takes the lift to the nearest door so that passengers can be rescued in case of power failure.
However, with lift inverter/Lift UPS/ERD, the switching time is almost zero, so the lifts do not stop occasionally, and the generators are not required. Whenever the power goes, the lifts work smoothly without any jerks, keeping the lift electronics and electrical systems running without any breaks.
The power quality supplied by the ERD is better than that provided by the Electricity companies as it is a pure sine wave power and the frequency is exactly 50Hz. The voltage supplied has high stability compared to the utility supplier. Since there is no break in the power, the smooth functioning removes the chances of lift failures. The power quality provided by the generator cannot be compared to the Lift inverter/lift UPS/ERD as it has a very stable and clean power and only caters to the lift load.
No Generator or existing ARD system can provide smooth operation of elevators like a lift Inverter/ERD during the critical period of a power failure saving people’s lives in an economical and environmentally-friendly fashion.

Normal Lift Operation

Understanding Lift Power Circuit With ERD