Why Choose a Sinewave Inverter/UPS?

Why Choose a Sinewave Inverter/UPS?

Why Choose a Sinewave Inverter/UPS?

In the context of Inverter/UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) systems, the critical difference lies in the waveform of the power they output during a power outage. Here’s a breakdown of the Waveforms:

1.  Definition of Waveform

  A graph showing the variation of voltage or current concerning time is known as WAVEFORM.

  • In general, a waveform is a graphical representation of how a quantity (like voltage or current) varies over time. It can be visualized as a line plotted on a graph, with the x-axis representing time and the y-axis representing the amplitude (strength) of the quantity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sine_wave
  • Waveform: These are different waveforms that other manufacturers of Inverters/ UPS use.
Why Choose a Sinewave Inverter/UPS?

Different types of Waveforms

  Pure Sinewave form:

  • The sine mathematical function defines the specific shape of a sine wave. This function takes an angle as its input and outputs a value between -1 and 1.
  • As the angle increases, the sine function’s output oscillates smoothly between these values, creating the sine wave’s characteristic upward and downward curves. https://suvastika.com/what-is-pure-sinewave-inverter-ups/
Why Choose a Sinewave Inverter/UPS?

Pure Sinewave form image of Su-vastika Inverter

  • Advantages:
    • Clean and stable power: This is the power we get from the grid, as all our appliances, whether small or big, sensitive or non-sensitive equipment, need Pure Sinewave to run smoothly.
    • Whether we run fans, lights or computers, all these appliances need Pure Sinewave.
    • In case the waveform is other than sinewave, then the harmonics in the waveform increase, which creates extra heating in the appliances, and in some instances, like motors, you can hear the sound, which changes when running on Square wave or quasi-square wave Inverter/UPS. Ordinary people don’t realise that this sound in fans, etc., indicates excessive heating, and ultimately, this equipment needs repair more often. The heating caused by these waveforms is dangerous for all purposes. In computers, people using UPS having Quasi sinewave don’t realise that they have put UPS for protection or damage to the computer.
    • Another major factor the commoner is unaware of is the Electricity bill, which increases if you use a Square wave or Sinusoidal waveform Inverter/UPS. As the efficiency of the Inverter/UPS reduces in case the waveform is other than Sinewave. This extra energy is used to heat the equipment working on them.
    • Why Choose a Sinewave Inverter/UPS?

      Pure Sinewave form

Here’s a table summarising the key points:

Feature Pure Sine Wave Modified Sine Wave (Square wave)
Waveform Smooth and continuous Stepped or square-shaped power power
r Quality excellent bad
Cost Higher Lower
Electricity bill for charging battery Low higher
Noise level No Higher
Efficiency High Lower

Choosing the suitable Inverter/UPS:

Before choosing the Inverter/UPS, always look for the purity of the waveform. Always go for Pure Sinewave Inverter/UPS and no other waveform if you want to save money in charging and keep the life intact of your home and office appliances.

Caution: The biggest challenge the industry faces is the fires in Inverters and battery blasts in which people are dying, and huge fires are taking place. The Square Wave and Quasi Sinewave Inverter/UPS have the technology wherein, if the Inverter charging fails, the battery gets overcharged, leading to the battery being blown. https://suvastika.com/raising-awareness-tubular-lead-acid-battery-explosions-in-india/

This article was written by Mr Kunwwer Sachdev, founder of Su-kam, Inverter Man of India.

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