What are the Benefits of technology patents in India? Technology patents are important in solar off-grid, battery Inverter Heavy Duty UPS Lift Inverter Lift UPS Energy Storage System lithium batteries because they protect the intellectual property of inventors and companies. It helps export because people don’t want any legal cases against them for installing products […]
https://i0.wp.com/suvastika.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/erd-with-li-battery-3.jpg?fit=620%2C400&ssl=1400620Kunwer Sachdevhttps://suvastika.com/new/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Suvastika.pngKunwer Sachdev2023-07-10 17:09:272023-07-27 21:13:31Benefits of technology patents in India
What are the Benefits of Lift Inverters/ERD for Buildings and Owners? Have you experienced a power outage in a moving lift/elevator that stopped with a sudden jerk at society, hospital or business house or listened to it? What panic did you observe there? I was trapped once in the cabin of our society’s lift with […]
https://i0.wp.com/suvastika.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/41621ccc-6e24-48dd-9f97-9194ee9291c8.jpg?fit=1200%2C1600&ssl=116001200Kunwer Sachdevhttps://suvastika.com/new/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Suvastika.pngKunwer Sachdev2023-07-08 18:54:492024-05-30 01:23:15The Benefits of Lift Inverters/ERD for Buildings and Owners
What are the Benefits of technology patents in India? Technology patents are important in solar off-grid, battery Inverter Heavy Duty UPS Lift Inverter Lift UPS Energy Storage System lithium batteries because they protect the intellectual property of inventors and companies. It helps export because people don’t want any legal cases against them for installing products […]
https://i0.wp.com/suvastika.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/erd-with-li-battery-3.jpg?fit=620%2C400&ssl=1400620Kunwer Sachdevhttps://suvastika.com/new/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Suvastika.pngKunwer Sachdev2023-07-10 17:09:272023-07-27 21:13:31Benefits of technology patents in India
What are the Benefits of Lift Inverters/ERD for Buildings and Owners? Have you experienced a power outage in a moving lift/elevator that stopped with a sudden jerk at society, hospital or business house or listened to it? What panic did you observe there? I was trapped once in the cabin of our society’s lift with […]
https://i0.wp.com/suvastika.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/41621ccc-6e24-48dd-9f97-9194ee9291c8.jpg?fit=1200%2C1600&ssl=116001200Kunwer Sachdevhttps://suvastika.com/new/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Suvastika.pngKunwer Sachdev2023-07-08 18:54:492024-05-30 01:23:15The Benefits of Lift Inverters/ERD for Buildings and Owners
What are the Benefits of technology patents in India? Technology patents are important in solar off-grid, battery Inverter Heavy Duty UPS Lift Inverter Lift UPS Energy Storage System lithium batteries because they protect the intellectual property of inventors and companies. It helps export because people don’t want any legal cases against them for installing products which don’t have technology patents.https://suvastika.com/technology-patent-in-india-by-su-vastika-in-pure-sinewave-ups-inverter-battery-inverter-erdess/
This allows them to recoup research and development costs and prevent others from copying their technology. Patents can also help attract investment and boost innovation in these fields.
In India, the importance of technology patents is growing as Govt of India gives a lot of sops and support to increase the practice of filing technology patents. China filed the highest number of technology patents in the world and followed by the USA, which shows the strength of any country in the field of technology.https://www.csis.org/analysis/what-can-patent-data-reveal-about-us-china-technology-competition
After checking the technology’s world status, the technology patent is granted, which takes at least two years to get into India.
Here are some of the specific benefits of technology patents in the field of solar power and lithium batteries:
PCB image of Pure Sinewave UPS with ATC
Technology patent certificate of Su-vastika
Exports: If the company is into exports, then having technology patents help a lot in exports, as outside India, the international players always use the patent to their advantage and can block the Customer from entering the country by registering their patents in that particular country. Incentives by Govt of India when you receive the technology patent: There are financial incentives declared by the central govt and a few state Govt on top of the major financial grant in case you can get the patent granted from the Indian Patent office.https://ipindia.gov.in/writereaddata/images/pdf/startups_IPRFacilitation_22April2016.pdf
Ranking with international companies: If one gets a patent granted in any field, the company’s status gets elevated, and similar global companies start respecting the company in India. Safety from legal cases by international companies: Nowadays, when you create a business in India and doing well, then suddenly International company comes and file a lawsuit against your company regarding the technology patent, which is very tough to fight as there are hardly any patent is filed in India. This can lead to damages or the business being destroyed overnight for Indian companies. Can do business with peace: If the company has filed a technology patent, then the company can work in harmony from outside pressure. Can Licence the technology: Nowadays, the company can sell the right to manufacture the product under licence to other companies and can make money. In Govt tenders, one can be a single vendor: In India, the Central Govt and state govt have given the provision where one can be a single vendor in a tender, and the Purchase committee can award the contract to the single vendor in case of having technology patent by the Indian Patent Office. Trust is created in the Customer’s mind: with Customer’s trust in buying the product from a company, a technology patent increases.https://suvastika.com/technology-patent-in-india-by-su-vastika-in-pure-sinewave-ups-inverter-battery-inverter-erdess/
Protect intellectual property: Patents can help protect the intellectual property of inventors and companies, giving them a competitive advantage. Attract investment: Patents can help to attract investment from venture capitalists and other investors, who are more likely to invest in companies with strong intellectual property portfolios. Boost innovation: Patents can help to boost innovation by providing incentives for companies to develop new technologies. Create trust in the employee: The employees working in the company are proud of working with a company with technology patents.
Overall, technology patents are important for protecting intellectual property, attracting investment, boosting innovation, and creating jobs in solar power and lithium batteries.
https://i0.wp.com/suvastika.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/erd-with-li-battery-3.jpg?fit=620%2C400&ssl=1400620Kunwer Sachdevhttps://suvastika.com/new/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Suvastika.pngKunwer Sachdev2023-07-10 17:09:272023-07-27 21:13:31Benefits of technology patents in India
What are the Benefits of Lift Inverters/ERD for Buildings and Owners? Have you experienced a power outage in a moving lift/elevator that stopped with a sudden jerk at society, hospital or business house or listened to it? What panic did you observe there? I was trapped once in the cabin of our society’s lift with my little daughter. She was terrified when the lift stopped suddenly, with darkness between the two floors. And the situation can become worse in the closed lift if there are pregnant women, children, senior citizens, and patients with high blood pressure, heart disease, etc.https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-benefits-of-a-lift-inverter
But there is a foolproof solution to this horrifying situation and claustrophobia of people if lifts/elevators are attached to Lift inverters/Lift UPS/Emergency Rescue Devices (ERD). An Emergency Rescue Device (ERD) is an electronic and electrical apparatus that provides emergency power backup to the lift or elevators with almost zero switching time when the input power source or mains power supply fails suddenly. The power supply outage can be due to a fault, shortage of power, Natural Disaster, or Fire.https://suvastika.wordpress.com/2021/05/17/how-power-backup-makes-lift-elevators-users-tension-free-in-case-of-power-failures/#comments
An Emergency Rescue Device (ERD) https://suvastika.com/how-does-an-emergency-rescue-device-erd-in-lifts-save-passengers-from-mishaps/differs from an auxiliary or power backup system like Generator and Automatic Rescue Device(ARD). No Generator or existing ARD system available in the market can provide smooth operation of elevators like an Emergency Power System for lift back up, which works on the storage battery system and is called lift Inverter/Lift UPS/ERD during a critical period of a power failure, Fire, or earthquake. This Emergency power System for lifts saves the passenger by keeping the lift moving. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency_power_system
Generator as Power Backup for Lift
Lift Inverter with SMF battery bank
Two generator sets, Automatic Genset & Manual Genset, are attached to the Control Panel that supplies current to the motor for moving the Lift/Elevator upward and downward. If the power supply fails for any reason like power shortage, Fire, or Natural disaster, the Automatic Genset takes 45 Sec to 1 minute to provide power to the lift. In the same situation, Manual Genset takes 2 to 5 minutes to restore the power supply. Here we can think of a horrible and terrifying situation if there are Children, Pregnant women, Sr. Citizens, or critical patients on the 11th Floor and the lift stops suddenly with a waiting time of 45 Sec to 5 Minutes to resume power by a Generator.
Automatic Rescue Device (ARD) as Power Backup for Lift
An Automatic Rescue Device (ARD) stops the lift when the main power supply is cut suddenly and rechecks all the circuits to confirm if everything is okay. This process takes at least 45 Sec, and then it moves the lift to the next lower or upper Floor with a lot of jerks and turbulence. It causes heart patients different problems, and pregnant women can have long-term issues in that state. It also damages the electronic mechanism of the device and becomes one of the major causes of the lift’s costly maintenance.
What is Emergency Rescue Device (ERD) or Emergency Power System & how it differs from ARD and DG?
An Emergency Rescue Device (ERD) is an electronic and electrical apparatus based on future technology developed by collective efforts of qualified and experienced electronic, electrical, and computer hardware & software engineers. WHEN THE MAINS POWER FAILS, an ERD provides emergency power to the lifts/elevators with a 3-phase power supply. It differs from any other emergency power system, like a generator or ARD, because it provides near-instantaneous protection from input power cuts by supplying electric current stored in batteries with zero switching time.
The technology used in the development of ERD is different from inverter technology. The ERD technology is specially designed for lift loads only. It takes care of the regenerative load, and the switching time is almost zero. As a result, the lift/ elevator does not know about switching from one load to another. The price of the Lift Inverter can be checked Online.
What are the features of the Emergency Power System/Emergency Rescue Device (ERD)?
In a nutshell, the ERD has different features like a lift emergency power backup, for example:
It provides smooth running if the power supply goes off suddenly.
It gets off any floor without any sudden jerk.
There is no fear and claustrophobia in the mind of lift users inside the cabin.
A panel inside the lift shows the status of power and its backup.
There is no chance of damage to elevators for the sudden stop or excess current at the start. And finally
It provides peace of mind to lift users whether they use it in high-rise apartments, hospitals, or business offices.
What are the key benefits of EPS/ERD?
There are various benefits of ERD if it is attached to a control panel which supplies current to the electric motor to move the lift up or down:
1. EPS/ERD Protects Lift User’s Life
When people are stuck in closed lifts/elevators due to a sudden power outage, it creates a fear psychosis through claustrophobia, and they feel choked despite proper ventilation in the lift. According to the American Journal of Psychology, this can aggravate serious and life-threatening situations for the lifts’ occupants, especially kids, pregnant women, elders, disabled, and serious patients. This small time-lapse of 30 to 45 seconds can lead to panic and horrible situations like fainting of occupants to such a situation that can trigger cardiac arrest.
2. EPS/ERD Prevents Apparatus Damages
The switching time of most Diesel Generators to provide backup current to the lift control panel is relatively sluggish, from 90 seconds to 5 minutes or more, which causes lift electronic parts damage. But in the case of ERD, the switching time is almost zero, which prevents damage to the lift’s electronic mechanisms in the long run.
3. EPS/ERD Saves Lift Users from Disaster
An ERD provides an uninterruptible electronically controlled software program-based power supply to the lifts in all scenarios. It includes natural disasters like Fire, Earthquake, and Grid Failure, especially for high risers in urban areas. For example, in case of fire main power supply is cut, survivors on the upper floors can come down with the help of the ERD power supply and save them from any untoward happenings.https://suvastika.com/erd-lift-inverter-lift-ups-for-back-up-of-lifts-in-case-of-power-failure/
4. ERD will be the only power backup in future
ERD will become the only option for power backup because generators emit particulate matter containing burnt hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides (NO2). These hydrocarbons and NO2 add to air pollution. If the generator is in bad condition, it can emit unburnt hydrocarbons, which are even worse for the environment. They also produce noise. So generators are getting banned in most of the cities in future as pollution is a big challenge for the future generations. Moreover, ERD can provide as much power backup as the generator requires without rest. The Price of the Lift Inverter is available on request.
Thus ERD-enabled lifts eliminate the most horrible situation while providing disaster resilience to the buildings, users, and operators. And it saves the lives of lift users in an economical and environmentally friendly manner that no generator or existing ARD system can provide.
Advantages of EPS/ERD in Brief
ERD is environment-friendly as it does not produce air pollution, noise pollution, or vibration, and it can be solar-powered.
ERD is developed and based on Disaster Response Management System. It maintains Fire Safety norms for the lifts and protects against Lift accidents due to power failure and earthquakes.
ERD is cost-effective in the market compared to the size and load of UPS’s cost. It has less running cost of electricity and longer life of its Batteries.
It can provide the backup time to run the lifts from 10 cycles of lift operations to 2,000 cycles depending on the load capacity of ERD attached to the control panel. And the one cycle counts for the complete process of the lifts from ground to top Floor and top Floor to ground Floor.
Lithium batteries can also be used in ERD to save space, maintain the longevity of battery life, and reduce the battery’s weight.
The ERD is technologically designed to install a solar charge controller externally to save electricity costs and provide a completely green solution prescribed by the green building norms.
Thus, lift inverter/UPS/ERD is the “All in One” Power Backup Solution for Lifts and Elevators that works with minimal human intervention and saves lives, apparatus, lifts, cost, and environment.
https://i0.wp.com/suvastika.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/41621ccc-6e24-48dd-9f97-9194ee9291c8.jpg?fit=1200%2C1600&ssl=116001200Kunwer Sachdevhttps://suvastika.com/new/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Suvastika.pngKunwer Sachdev2023-07-08 18:54:492024-05-30 01:23:15The Benefits of Lift Inverters/ERD for Buildings and Owners