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Green Revolution in Indian Hospitality: First Hotel to Run on Li Batt.

Green Revolution in Indian Hospitality: First Hotel to Run on Li Batt. When the pollution level in Delhi NCR is at its peak, we realize that the pollution is created by vehicles, industry, stubble burning, open waste burning construction activities, etc. One of the major pollutants is diesel generators, used in homes, industries, commercial spaces, […]

Lithium Inverter Reduce Carbon Footprint and Improving Air Quality The petrol pumps are having the biggest challenge when the power failure happens as the filling of the vehicles stops for a while, which is a minimum of 2 minutes. The generator is switched on, and the lights and other equipment are reset. So let us […]

Green Revolution in Indian Hospitality: First Hotel to Run on Li Batt.

Green Revolution in Indian Hospitality: First Hotel to Run on Li Batt. When the pollution level in Delhi NCR is at its peak, we realize that the pollution is created by vehicles, industry, stubble burning, open waste burning construction activities, etc. One of the major pollutants is diesel generators, used in homes, industries, commercial spaces, […]

Lithium Inverter Reduce Carbon Footprint and Improving Air Quality The petrol pumps are having the biggest challenge when the power failure happens as the filling of the vehicles stops for a while, which is a minimum of 2 minutes. The generator is switched on, and the lights and other equipment are reset. So let us […]