Square Wave Vs Sinewave UPS for Computers

Square Wave Vs Sinewave UPS for Computers? Most of the UPS, sold for single computer applications, come in the range of Rs 2000/ in India and are square wave UPS, all imported from China, and people buy when they buy a computer to…

Inverter/UPS Computer based Testing Tool

An inverter/UPS computer-based automatic software testing tool can be used with our AI-based Inverter/UPS range of products. This can only be used with Su-svastika-made Pure Sinewave UPS with ATC, Lithium-based battery Energy Storage Systems,…

First AI based Inverter/UPS made in India.

First AI-based Inverter/UPS made in India. An artificial Intelligence based inverter or UPS is an inverter or UPS that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to improve its performance. Artificial intelligence can be used to do things like: Optimize…

Connecting the wrong battery terminals in an inverter/UPS

Connecting the wrong battery terminals in an inverter can cause several problems, including: Damage to the inverter. The inverter's internal circuitry is designed to work with a specific polarity, and connecting the terminals in reverse…

What is Pure Sinewave Inverter/UPS with ATC

What is Pure Sinewave Inverter/UPS with ATC? A pure sine wave inverter/UPS with ATC is an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) that produces a pure sine wave output. Generally, the specific gravity of liquids increases with decreasing temperature,…
Lithium-ion battery 24VSu-vastika

Lithium-ion Battery compared to Tubular battery.

Comparing tubular lead acid batteries with lithium-ion batteries is the topic to discuss in this blog. Lithium and tubular batteries are both types of power storage Batteries. One has Lead Acid chemistry, and the other has Lithium and other…
lift pic

Can lift be operated by battery Inverter/UPS

Can the battery Inverter/UPS operate the lift? Yes, lifts can work on inverters. Inverters are increasingly being used as a backup power source for lifts. Inverters convert DC power from batteries into AC power; These are 3-phase Inverters which…

Battery Energy Storage compared with Inverter/UPS

Battery Energy Storage Compared with Inverter/UPS. Battery energy storage systems (BESS) offer several benefits over inverters and UPSs, including: Increased energy efficiency: BESS can store excess energy generated by…
Lithium battery bankSu-vastika

Benefits of Lithium battery in Inverter/UPS

Lithium batteries, when used with inverters/UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply), offer several benefits compared to traditional lead-acid batteries. Benefits of Lithium battery in Inverter/UPS: High energy density: Lithium batteries have…
Lift Inverter with battery bankSu-vastika

Benefits of Lift Inverter/ERD/Lift UPS

The benefits of Lift Inverter/ERD/Lift UPS is an interesting topic. Lift backup power, or lift Inverter/ lift UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) systems, provides various benefits for buildings and elevators.…