9.6 kWh Lithium Battery ESS : A Comparison with Lead-Acid

9.6 kWh Lithium Battery Revolutionizes Energy Storage: A Comparison with Lead-Acid

9.6 kWh Lithium Battery ESS : A Comparison with Lead-Acid

Let us compare this 9.6 KW Lithium battery LifePO4 to the Tubular battery bank of 15 numbers of 150 Ah batteries, which will compare the life cycle, price, weight, size and maintenance aspects of these types of batteries. When we put the 8 KW load by the inverter having 10KVA/180V, we try to take the backup time on 8 KW, and based on that, we find the price difference between lithium and tubular battery banks. The results are that the Lithium battery of 9.6KW on 10KVA/96V gave 1 hour and 20 minutes at the discharging current of 83Amps, and in the case of the Tubular battery bank having 15 batteries of C20 capacity gave us 1 hour and 10 minutes, approximately where the discharge current was 45 Amps approximately. So, based on this, the average cost of a Tubular battery is approximately Rs 12,000 in the Indian market, and the cost comes to Rs 1,80,000 if we add the cost of rack and installation cost, which is another Rs 10,000 it touches Rs 1,90,000 of Tubular battery bank cost. So the price of a Lithium battery of 9.6KW with the comparative tubular battery price is cheaper. As the cost of a Lithium battery will be Rs. 1,50,000-200,000

ure Lithium LifePO4Battery Tubular Lead Acid Battery
Price Rs 15,000-20,000 per KW Rs 21,000-23,000 per KW
Cycle Life 2000 cycles 400-600 cycles
Weight 80Kgs 950Kgs
Maintenance Not required at all Need to regular distilled water topping
Environmental Impact completely environmental friendly Lead and hydrogen fumes are emanating all the time

Energy Density

Lithium-ion batteries have a much higher energy density than lead-acid batteries. This means they can store more energy per unit of weight or volume. For example, a 9.6 kWh lithium-ion battery weighs about 80 kg, while a 9.6 kWh lead acid battery weighs about 950 kg.

Cycle Life

Lithium LifePo4 batteries also have a much longer cycle life than lead-acid batteries. This means that they can be discharged and recharged many more times before they need to be replaced. A lithium-ion battery can typically be cycled 2,000 or more times, while a Tubular lead acid battery can only be cycled 400-600 times.


Lithium LifePo4 batteries are generally considered to be safer than Tubular lead-acid batteries. This is because they are less likely to explode or catch fire. However, the lithium-battery bank has a built-in battery management system with many safety features, and the cell equalization mechanism helps the battery bank give more cycles. The built-in BMS protects the lithium battery from overcharging, low and high battery protection, and overload and short circuit protection.

Temperature: The backup time in the Tubular battery is greatly affected in case of temperature is less than 10 degrees or higher temperature of more than 50 degrees, and the life is also reduced for which Inverter/UPS or Solar Inverter should have the ATC feature to take care of the temperature variations. In the Lithium batteries, no such change happens.


Lithium battery is cheaper than the Tubular battery at the discharge rate we have compared here.https://suvastika.com/lithium-battery-is-cheaper-than-tubular-battery-in-ups-inverter-usage/

Environmental Impact

Lithium-ion batteries are more environmentally friendly than lead-acid batteries. This is because they do not contain lead, a toxic metal that can contaminate the environment.


Lithium-ion batteries are the better choice for most applications. They have a higher energy density, cycle life, and safety. They are also more environmentally friendly. However, they are more expensive than lead-acid batteries.https://www.pv-magazine.com/2022/05/05/stackable-home-battery-with-9-6-kwh-to-38-4-kwh-of-capacity/

Here is a table summarizing the key differences between lithium LifePO4 and Tubular lead acid batteries:

Feature Lithium Ion Battery Tubular Lead Acid Battery
Energy Density Higher Lower
Temperature -20 degrees to 60 degrees 10 degrees to 45 degrees, after which it needs an ATC feature
Cell Equalization Yes No
Protections Overload, Short Circuit, Low battery and High battery No protections at all
BMS yes NO

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