First 40 KW Solar Storage System with Lithium battery bank in Nuh

First 40 KW Solar Storage System with Lithium battery bank in Nuh

First 40 KW Solar Storage System with Lithium battery bank in Nuh

This is about the First Energy storage solar system with a lithium-ion battery bank of 40 KW installed by Su-vastika at Donate an Hour NGO in Nuh, Gurgaon! Here are some key takeaways:

  • Solar Power and Self-Sustainability: Donate an Hour is a frontrunner in Delhi NCR for utilising a large-scale solar power system (40 KW) to meet its electricity needs, making it a role model for sustainable practices. This NGO has an autonomous concept in every aspect of life. It is the first in Delhi NCR not to utilise grid power at all, and everything from the kitchen to lights, fans, coolers, digital boards, computers, Electric Car Charger etc., is run on a Solar off-grid system of 40 KW power that is run 24X7.
  • Lithium Battery Storage: The Energy Storage system uses a 40 KW lithium battery bank to store excess solar energy generated during the day. This ensures power availability even at night or during low sunlight conditions. The lithium battery is charged very fast, and the life of the Lithium battery is four times of the Lead Acid battery. The space to install a 40 KW battery is also very small; otherwise, we need a big room to accommodate the Lead Acid battery bank, which will take a lot of space. Another challenge is maintenance, as the distilled water is filled every two months, which is tedious.
  • How do they work in solar storage systems?

    • Storing Energy: Solar panels generate electricity during the day. Lithium batteries store this energy through the Energy Storage System called ESS.
    • Providing Power When Needed: When the sun is down, or energy demand is high, the energy stored in the lithium battery can be used to power your home or business.

    Advantages of lithium batteries in solar storage:

    • High Energy Density: Lithium batteries can store much energy in a relatively small space. This is important for solar storage, where you might want to store considerable power. The Lithium-ion battery has a C1 capacity, whereas the Tubular Lead Acid battery for solar has a C10 capacity, which makes a significant difference in the backup time comparison of both these batteries.
    • Long Lifespan: Lithium batteries can last 10+ years, much longer than traditional lead-acid batteries often used in the past.
    • Deep Discharge Capability: Lithium batteries can be discharged to a very low-capacity level without damage, allowing you to use more stored energy.
    • No Maintenance: Lithium-ion batteries require no maintenance compared to lead-acid batteries, which is the biggest challenge, saving time and effort.
    • Efficiency: Lithium batteries are highly efficient in charging and discharging cycles, which means minimal energy loss during use.

    Are there any downsides?

    • Cost: Lithium batteries have a higher upfront cost than lead-acid batteries. However, the longer lifespan and low maintenance of lithium batteries make them a more cost-effective solution in the long run.

    Lithium batteries are a superior choice for solar energy storage thanks to their greater efficiency, longevity, and power in a smaller package. As prices continue to decline, they will become even more accessible and popular in solar energy systems.

  • Energy Efficiency:  The NGO’s wise electricity consumption. They use energy-efficient appliances like fans and lights and avoid power-hungry air conditioners due to the building’s traditional design for natural temperature control. The primary raw material used to construct the site is conventional Indian clay, and the other raw material, which is very cost-effective and maintained, is also meagre. The couple who run the NGO are Mr. Divya Parkash and his wife Meenakshi Singh, who are dedicated and innovative. The concept is unique as they take the kids from the lowest strata families, keep them in this NGO, and train them in a very different education system where they learn fundamental skills and accurate education to help them become professionals and entrepreneurs.
  • Holistic Approach: It’s commendable that Donate an Hour incorporates solar heating for water needs as well. This showcases their commitment to a comprehensive, self-sustainable model.

This article is an excellent example of how renewable energy and sustainable practices can be implemented effectively. Donate an Hour’s initiative inspires others to explore solar power and reduce reliance on the traditional grid.

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